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这部分配置使用的物品格式来源于 Bukkit 的物品序列化(Bukkit/Spigot 插件用于从配置文件读写物品数据的 YAML 文件格式,例如本插件的 save.yml)。


  • 物品的元数据(Bukkit 物品序列化数据中位于 meta 部分的内容)与它的类型设置处于同级/同一部分下。这些内容包括:

    • 物品的显示名称、描述、携带附魔等。
  • 任何你不使用或插件能够代为生成并存储的(普通)数据均可省略。例如:

    • 物品的数量(amount);
    • 物品的版本(v);
    • 数据类型 ID:==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack==: ItemMeta 需要注意的是,对于其他更深且带有这些相似特征的数据不可以被省略(如 ==: org.bukkit.attribute.AttributeModifier 为属性修饰符,而 ==: Pattern 则为旗帜图案,等等);
    • 物品的元数据 ID(meta-type ID);
  • 物品名称与描述支持以 &(而非原版的 §)开头的彩色字符。例如,&a 表示淡绿色。见维基“格式化代码”章节了解 Minecraft 现版本中可以使用的所有样式与颜色。

    但是,Minecraft 曾经多次将旧版本的这种格式转化为新的 json 表达式。这可能导致在某个版本中创建的物品不能在另一个版本中使用。因此,除了使用旧版的颜色代码,我们建议使用新版的 json 格式来定义文本样式。见维基“文本组件”章节了解更多。

    示例:旧格式为 display-name: '&aShopkeeper',而新格式则为 display-name: '{"text":"Shopkeeper","italic":false,"color":"green"}'

  • 若要指定不带特殊数据的物品,你可以使用更简洁的表达方式。例如:

shop-creation-item: VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG



需要注意的是,YAML 格式对缩进敏感。如果你的配置文件出现了问题,请确保你使用的是空格而不是(按 TAB 键出现的)制表符空格,之后再寻求一些 YAML 格式检查网站的帮助,例如 YAMLChecker



  • enchantments,而非正确的 enchants
  • display name,而非正确的 display-name
  • damage,而非正确的 Damage


  type: EMERALD
  display-name: '{"text":"珍奇宝石","italic":false,"color":"green"}'
  - '{"text":"看起来很珍贵."}'
  - '{"text":"也许能卖个好价钱."}'

/shopkeepers yaml 命令

/shopkeepers yaml 命令可以用于输出手中物品的 Bukkit 序列化的 YAML 格式数据,以及配置文件中使用的物品数据。输出也会记录在控制台中,方便复制,因为在游戏中这些内容通常都过长而难以浏览。



  display-name: '{"text":"Shopkeeper","italic":false,"color":"green"}'

任何以 {"text":"Shopkeeper","italic":false,"color":"green"} 为名称的物品都可以用于创建商店,即便实际使用的物品包含额外的数据,例如自定义名称或附魔。



  display-name: ''

需要注意的是,对于 shop-creation-item,默认情况下我们使用的匹配方法略有差异。原因请见下文。


shop-creation-item 用于创建玩家商店。默认情况下,我们不实际使用物品的匹配机制来检查物品是否满足要求,而是通过判断物品是否包含 shopkeepers:shop_creation_item 自定义标签来决定是否能够创建商店。这允许管理员修改创建商店的物品,而不会使先前留在玩家手中的失效。


add-shop-creation-item-tag: true
identify-shop-creation-item-by-tag: true


# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Shopkeepers Config
# Wiki:
# The wiki also explains how item data gets specified inside the config.
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Determines the required config migrations. Do not edit manually!
config-version: 9
# The initial debugging state of the plugin.
debug: false
# Additional debugging options.
# - 'log-all-events': Logs all events.
# - 'print-listeners': Prints the registered listeners for the first call of
#    each event.
# - 'shopkeeper-activation': Enables debugging output related to shopkeeper
#    activation.
# - 'regular-tick-activities': Enables debug output for regular shopkeeper
#    activities and behaviors that would otherwise cause debug spam when being
#    enabled by default. This includes for example the activity of teleporting
#    shopkeepers back into place, updating their location when they are mobile
#    and moved around, or behaviors such as the playing of sound effects.
# - 'visualize-shopkeeper-ticks': Visualizes the ticking activities of
#    shopkeepers in-game.
# - 'commands': Enables additional commands related debugging output.
# - 'owner-name-updates': Logs information when updating stored shop owner
#    names.
# - 'item-migrations': Logs whenever a shopkeeper performs item migrations
#    (e.g. for trade offers).
# - 'item-updates': Logs whenever items are updated via the UpdateItemEvent.
# - 'item-conversions': Logs whenever we explicitly convert items to Spigot's
#    data format. Note that this does not log when items get implicitly
#    converted, which may happen under various circumstances.
# - 'empty-trades': Logs detailed item information for the selected trade and
#    the items in the input slots whenever a player clicks an empty trading
#    result slot.
# - 'text-components': Logs additional debug output whenever component-based
#    text is sent.
debug-options: []
# Whether to report anonymous usage statistics to
# All reported information can be found here:
enable-metrics: true

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Messages
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Find community translations at
# Wiki:
language: en-default

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Shopkeeper Data
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Whether to immediately save all shopkeeper data whenever a shopkeeper is
# edited. If disabled, the shopkeeper data is saved in 5 minute intervals and
# when the plugin is shut down.
# If you have a large server with many players and/or many shopkeepers, it
# might be a good idea to disable this for performance reasons.
save-instantly: true

# Enables the automatic conversion of items inside the inventories of players
# and shop containers whenever a player opens a shopkeeper UI (e.g. trading,
# editor, hiring, etc.) The items are converted to conform to Spigot's internal
# data format.
# This setting helps with issues related to items that have been created on
# previous Spigot versions or via some Minecraft mechanism (e.g. give command,
# loot tables, etc.) no longer getting accepted when trading with shopkeepers.
# In order for the items to get reliably accepted during trades, their data has
# to match the internal format that Spigot uses when a plugin would create the
# same items via the Spigot API. Spigot occasionally makes changes to this
# internal data format. Any previously created items, or newly created items
# that don't conform to this new format, may cause trading and item stacking
# issues then.
# This setting is intended to help with the portion of the issue affecting
# shopkeeper trades. This setting will not reliably help you prevent item
# stacking related issues!
# Enabling this setting comes with a performance impact! Try to avoid using
# this option and search for alternative solutions instead (e.g. stick to
# Spigot's data format when creating items via Minecraft mechanisms). Try to
# only keep this setting enabled for as long as required (e.g. until you assume
# that most of your players' legacy items got converted by now).
convert-player-items: false
# If 'convert-player-items' is enabled, this setting toggles whether the
# 'convert-player-items-exceptions' setting acts as black- or whitelist.
# If enabled, all items inside the checked inventories will be converted except
# those that match the items specified by 'convert-player-items-exceptions'.
# If disabled, only items that match the items specified by
# 'convert-player-items-exceptions' get converted.
convert-all-player-items: true
# Black- or whitelist of items affected by the 'convert-player-items' setting.
convert-player-items-exceptions: []

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Plugin Compatibility
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# During start-up, the plugin performs some basic checks to verify that certain
# aspects of the server implementation work as expected. For example, one of
# the tested aspects is that the comparison of item stacks works correctly,
# which is quite essential for an item-based trading plugin such as
# Shopkeepers. If any of these tests fail, the plugin disables itself to avoid
# problems that can otherwise arise later.
# However, even if one of this tests fails, the plugin might still be usable to
# some degree. For example, an issue with the item stack comparisons might only
# affect specific kinds of item stacks.
# If you want to take the risk and try running the plugin anyway, even though a
# potential problem has been detected, you can enable this setting. However, do
# not expect any support when you subsequently encounter problems while this
# setting is enabled, or has been enabled in the past.
ignore-failed-server-assumption-tests: false

# If enabled, Shopkeepers tries to bypass other plugins that deny mob spawning
# (e.g. land protection plugins).
bypass-spawn-blocking: true
# If enabled, Shopkeepers takes into account whether other plugins deny
# interaction with the shopkeepers.
check-shop-interaction-result: false

# If enabled, players will only be able to place shopkeepers where they have
# permission from WorldGuard to build or where the 'allow-shop' flag is set.
enable-world-guard-restrictions: false
# If enabled (additionally to the enable-world-guard-restrictions setting),
# players will only be able to place shopkeepers in regions where the
# 'allow-shop' flag is set, but nowhere else. However, players will still
# require container access to set up shops. And in case they can't place
# containers in the affected region, shop containers need to be pre-setup by
# someone else and the require-container-recently-placed setting needs to be
# disabled.
require-world-guard-allow-shop-flag: false
# Whether to register the allow-shop flag with WorldGuard (if no other plugin
# has registered it yet). Usually there should be no need to disable this.
# Changing this setting has no effect until the next server restart or full
# server reload!
register-world-guard-allow-shop-flag: true

# If enabled, players will only be able to place shopkeepers in places that
# have been designated as commercial areas by Towny.
enable-towny-restrictions: false

# If enabled, players are only able to place shopkeepers in places where no
# other plugin denies them to interact with blocks.
check-spawn-location-interaction-result: false

# In order to guard against unnoticed changes to a player's currently open
# inventory, the Shopkeepers plugin verifies that the open inventory still
# matches the expected type of inventory before it handles inventory
# interactions. This setting disables this verification.
# It is usually recommended keeping this verification enabled. However, when
# the Shopkeepers plugin is used on certain types of modded servers (such as
# variants of Cauldron and its successors), a known issue is that these types
# of servers sometimes report that the currently open inventory is of a type
# different to what it actually is. The result of this verification is then
# that for example the trading inventory is closed when a player tries to
# trade.
# Even though modded servers are not officially supported and may break the
# plugin in various other unexpected ways, disabling the inventory verification
# via this setting may help resolve this particular known incompatibility.
disable-inventory-verification: false

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Shop Creation and Removal
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# The item that is used to create player shops.
# Use the '/shopkeeper give' command to give yourself this item in-game.
  display-name: '{"text":"Shopkeeper","italic":false,"color":"green"}'

# Whether to add a custom NBT tag to newly created shop creation items, e.g.
# when created via the '/shopkeeper give' command.
# Tag: 'PublicBukkitValues: {"shopkeepers:shop_creation_item": 1b}'
# In combination with 'identify-shop-creation-item-by-tag', this provides
# several benefits, such as being able to change the 'shop-creation-item' in
# the future without breaking any existing shop creation items in the world
# (e.g. in chests, player inventories, trades, third-party plugin data, etc.).
# By default, this and 'identify-shop-creation-item-by-tag' are enabled for new
# configurations, but disabled for backwards compatibility reasons for servers
# that migrated from a config-version of 5 or lower.
add-shop-creation-item-tag: true
# Whether to identify the shop creation item by the custom NBT tag added via
# 'add-shop-creation-item-tag'.
# This is a separate setting in order to help server owners with the migration
# process: Server owners can enable 'add-shop-creation-item-tag' very early to
# already add the tag to all newly created shop creation items, but separately
# enable 'identify-shop-creation-item-by-tag' later, once they expect or
# verified that the old shop creation item is no longer in use.
# Unfortunately, the Shopkeepers plugin provides no built-in solution to
# automatically migrate all occurrences of the old shop creation item in the
# world or plugin data.
identify-shop-creation-item-by-tag: true

# Whether to prevent normal usage of the shop creation item. Players with the
# bypass permission (usually admins) can bypass this.
prevent-shop-creation-item-regular-usage: true
# By default, the shop type is selected by right-clicking while holding the
# shop creation item in hand, and the shop object type is selected by sneaking
# and right-clicking. If this setting is enabled, these controls are inverted.
invert-shop-type-and-object-type-selection: false
# Whether deleting (or destroying) a player shopkeeper returns (drops) the
# shop creation item.
deleting-player-shop-returns-creation-item: false

# Whether to allow creating player shops with the /shopkeeper command.
create-player-shop-with-command: false

# Whether the selected container must have been recently placed by the player
# who is attempting to create the shopkeeper.
require-container-recently-placed: true
# The maximum distance a player shopkeeper can be placed from its backing
# container. This cannot be set to a value greater than 50.
max-container-distance: 15
# The default maximum number of shops a player can have. Set to -1 to disable
# this limit.
max-shops-per-player: -1
# A list of permission nodes that can be used to set the maximum number of
# shops a specific player or group of players can have. Use the permission node
# pattern 'shopkeeper.maxshops.<count>' to use this feature. The permission
# node 'shopkeeper.maxshops.unlimited' indicates no limit. These permission
# nodes can only be used to increase the default limit, not decrease it.
max-shops-perm-options: 5,15,25

# Whether to protect player shop containers from being accessed or broken. It
# is usually recommended keeping this enabled.
protect-containers: true
# Whether to prevent item movements from and to protected shop containers (via
# hoppers, droppers, etc.). If you disable this, you and your players will have
# to somehow else protect their shop container from unauthorized players who may
# maliciously insert or extract items. This can be rather tricky even for land
# protection plugins, because items can also be extracted via hopper minecarts.
# Your land protection plugin would need to prevent other players from placing
# or pushing those minecarts into a protected region.
# Item movement will always be allowed if the container protection is disabled.
prevent-item-movement: true
# Whether to delete player shopkeepers when their container is broken.
delete-shopkeeper-on-break-container: false

# If enabled (set to a value greater than 0), Shopkeepers will check for and
# remove the shops of inactive players once every plugin start. This setting
# determines how many days ago a player's last login has to be in order for the
# player to be considered inactive.
player-shopkeeper-inactive-days: 0

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Shop (Object) Types
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# A list of mob types that can be used for shopkeepers. Adding new mob types to
# the defaults here is unsupported, as some mob types might not properly work
# and can cause all kinds of issues.

# Whether shopkeeper mobs shall not be affected by gravity.
disable-gravity: false
# The range in chunks around players in which shopkeeper mobs will be affected
# by gravity. Setting this too high may have a negative impact on performance.
# And setting it below the server's entity tracking range will result in
# players being able to see mobs floating in mid-air until they get close
# enough. A value of 0 will limit the gravity to mobs within chunks that
# contain a player. This has no effect if gravity is disabled.
gravity-chunk-range: 4

# The number of Minecraft ticks between behavior updates of shopkeeper mobs.
# This controls the rate at which we update the gravity and AI of shopkeeper
# mobs. Values above 1 indicate a reduced tick rate and result in a less
# smooth, less reactive, and possibly slower behavior in comparison to the
# behavior of mobs in vanilla Minecraft.
# In order to compensate for a reduced tick rate some activities may be scaled
# accordingly. This ensures, for example, that mobs still rotate their head at
# the same speed towards nearby players, or that mobs still fall at the same
# speed when being affected by gravity.
# Consequently, a reduced tick rate is less performance-intensive in total, but
# may on the other hand be slightly more performance-intensive per individual
# behavior update.
# Values above 3 are clearly noticeable and offer little additional benefit.
mob-behavior-tick-period: 3

# Whether shulker shopkeepers shall peek when a player is nearby.
shulker-peek-if-player-nearby: true
# A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that defines how much the shulker opens when it
# peeks.
shulker-peek-height: 0.3

# Whether mob shopkeepers make sounds.
silence-living-shop-entities: true

# Whether to show nameplates of mob shopkeepers.
show-nameplates: true
# Whether to always show nameplates. If disabled, nameplates will only be shown
# when looking directly at the shopkeeper.
always-show-nameplates: false

# Whether to allow the creation of Citizens NPC shopkeepers. Requires the
# plugin Citizens.
enable-citizen-shops: true
# The entity type of newly created Citizens NPC shopkeepers.
default-citizen-npc-type: 'PLAYER'
# Whether to set the Citizens NPC owner of player-owned NPC shopkeepers. If
# disabled, the Shopkeepers plugin will automatically remove the Citizens NPC
# owners of player shopkeepers again.
# By enabling this setting, and configuring the Citizens command permissions
# for your players accordingly, you can allow shop owners to use the commands
# of the Citizens plugin to edit the Citizens NPCs of their NPC shopkeepers.
set-citizen-npc-owner-of-player-shops: false
# Whether to make shopkeeper Citizens NPCs pushable by fluids (true), unpushable by fluids (false),
# or not modify their current behavior ("undefined").
citizen-npc-fluid-pushable: false
# Whether to cancel interactions with Citizen shopkeeper NPCs.
# The default behavior is to cancel all interactions with shopkeeper shop objects (mobs, signs,
# citizen NPCs, etc.) in order to prevent any usual interaction behaviors to take place (e.g.
# villagers opening their vanilla trading interface instead of the shopkeeper trading interface).
# However, Citizen NPCs can be configured to trigger certain actions when they are interacted with,
# such as executing attached commands. By disabling this setting, the usual NPC actions are still
# triggered in addition to the shopkeeper specific behavior of opening the trading or editor UI.
# However, be aware that this can result in additional unintentional behaviors to be triggered as
# well. For example, when interacting with a villager NPC, by default the Citizens plugin prevents
# the villager's normal trading interface to open, but other vanilla actions such as incrementing
# the player's 'talked-to-villager' statistic may still take place. So if you disable this setting,
# you will have to make sure that the resulting interaction behavior is what you intend it to be.
cancel-citizen-npc-interactions: true
# Whether to immediately save all Citizens NPCs whenever the Shopkeepers plugin
# modifies a Citizens NPC. If disabled, the Citizens plugin handles the saving
# of the Citizens NPCs as usual: They are saved when the Citizens plugin shuts
# down, periodically as configured in the Citizens config, and when manually
# triggered via command by a player.
save-citizen-npcs-instantly: false
# Whether shopkeeper snapshots shall save and restore Citizens NPC data.
# Warning: When you disable this setting, the Shopkeepers plugin automatically
# deletes all NPC data that was previously saved by shopkeeper snapshots.
snapshots-save-citizen-npc-data: true
# Whether to automatically delete all invalid Citizen shopkeepers during plugin
# startup. This includes for example Citizen shopkeepers that are attached to
# the same Citizen NPC as another shopkeeper, or any shopkeepers for which the
# corresponding Citizen NPC is missing (this can for example occur if the NPC
# has been deleted while the Shopkeepers plugin was disabled).
# In previous versions, this has been the default behavior. However, because it
# is risky to automatically delete shopkeepers, especially since the detection
# of invalid shopkeepers can potentially go wrong, this functionality is now
# offered via this setting and disabled by default. In either case, the plugin
# will log warnings whenever it detects invalid Citizen shopkeepers.
# Alternatively, the command '/shopkeepers cleanupCitizenShopkeepers' can also
# be used to manually delete these invalid shopkeepers when they are detected.
delete-invalid-citizen-shopkeepers: false

# Whether to allow the creation of sign shops.
enable-sign-shops: true
# Whether to allow the creation of sign posts (instead of only wall signs).
enable-sign-post-shops: true
# Whether to allow the creation of hanging sign shops.
enable-hanging-sign-shops: true

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Naming
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# A regular expression used to validate shopkeeper names. For detailed
# information on regular expressions the following documentations are helpful:
# *
# *
# Here are a few examples:
# * "[A-Za-z0-9 ]{3,25}": The default. Allows the letters A to Z, in both upper
# and lower case, and the digits 0 to 9. The name has to consist of at least 3
# characters and can be maximal 25 characters long.
# * "[A-Za-z0-9&§# ]{3,25}": Same as the default, but allows using color codes.
# * "[\\p{L}0-9 ]{3,25}": Same as the default, but allows any letters to be
# used, regardless of the language. If you encounter errors when the config is
# loaded, make sure that your config file is encoded as UTF-8.
# * ".*": Matches everything.
# * Adding "(?i)" at the front enables case insensitive matching.
# * "(?=X)": The name has to match "X" (X can be another embedded expression),
# but the name is not consumed and has to also match the following expressions.
# * "(?!.*X).*": The name is not allowed to contain anything that matches "X".
# * "(?i)(?=[a-z0-9 ]{3,25})(?!.*bitch|dick|ass).*": Filters bad words.
name-regex: "[A-Za-z0-9 ]{3,25}"
# Whether player shops get named via item. This will hide the naming option
# from the editor menu.
naming-of-player-shops-via-item: false
# Whether shop owners are allowed to rename their Citizens NPC shopkeepers. By
# default, those shopkeepers will be named after the player who owns the shop.
allow-renaming-of-player-npc-shops: false

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Editor Menu
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Placeholder items to use inside the editors for empty trades, and for empty
# slots of partially set up trades. The display name and lore of these items
# (unless they are set to AIR by default) are specified inside the language
# file.
# In combination with their display name and lore, these items must not match
# any items that players are able to set up trades with.
selling-empty-trade-result-item: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
selling-empty-trade-item1: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
selling-empty-trade-item2: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
selling-empty-item1: BARRIER
selling-empty-item2: BARRIER

buying-empty-trade-result-item: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
buying-empty-trade-item1: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
buying-empty-trade-item2: AIR
buying-empty-result-item: BARRIER
buying-empty-item2: AIR

trading-empty-trade-result-item: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
trading-empty-trade-item1: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
trading-empty-trade-item2: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
trading-empty-result-item: BARRIER
trading-empty-item1: BARRIER
trading-empty-item2: BARRIER

book-empty-trade-result-item: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
book-empty-trade-item1: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
book-empty-trade-item2: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
book-empty-item1: BARRIER
book-empty-item2: BARRIER

# The number of pages that can be filled with trades. The maximum is 10.
max-trades-pages: 5

# The items used for the buttons and icons in the trades page row.
# The display name and lore of these items get set via the corresponding
# messages and can therefore not be defined here.
previous-page-item: WRITABLE_BOOK
next-page-item: WRITABLE_BOOK
current-page-item: WRITABLE_BOOK
trade-setup-item: PAPER

# The item that players can rename and then use as a substitute for items they
# don't have yet when they set up their trade offers or mob equipment.
# Set this to AIR to disable the use of placeholder items.
placeholder-item: PAPER

# The item used for the set-name button, and the naming item (if enabled).
name-item: NAME_TAG

# Whether to enable the equipment editor for all mobs and all equipment slots.
# By default, the equipment can only be edited for mobs and slots that are known, at least for
# certain items, to visually affect the mob. Enabling this setting can for example be useful for
# testing purposes, e.g. when new mobs are added to the game, or when existing mobs start to support
# additional equipment slots.
# Certain shop objects, such as for example horses (armor) or llamas (carpet), provide dedicated
# editor buttons to edit certain equipment. This setting also enables the equipment editor for these
# mobs and slots. Any non-empty equipment specified via the equipment editor overrides the equipment
# of these dedicated editor buttons.
enable-all-equipment-editor-slots: false

# Whether to allow shop owners to move their shops.
enable-moving-of-player-shops: true
# The item used for the move button.
move-item: ENDER_PEARL

# Whether the editor menu of player shops contains an option to open the shop's
# container.
enable-container-option-on-player-shop: true
# The item used for the 'open container' editor button.
container-item: CHEST

# The item used for the trade notifications editor button in player shops.
trade-notifications-item: BELL

# The item used for the delete button.
delete-item: BONE

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Non-Shopkeeper Villagers
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Whether to prevent trading with non-shopkeeper villagers.
disable-other-villagers: false
# Whether to block regular non-shopkeeper villagers from spawning. Villagers
# spawned by plugins, spawn eggs, mob spawners or by curing zombie villagers
# are however not affected by this.
block-villager-spawns: false
# Whether to prevent curing of zombie villagers.
disable-zombie-villager-curing: false
# Whether non-shopkeeper villagers can be hired.
hire-other-villagers: false

# Whether to prevent trading with non-shopkeeper wandering traders.
disable-wandering-traders: false
# Whether to block non-shopkeeper wandering traders and trader llamas from
# spawning. Wandering traders and trader llamas spawned by plugins, spawn eggs
# or mob spawners are however not affected by this.
block-wandering-trader-spawns: false
# Whether non-shopkeeper wandering traders can be hired.
hire-wandering-traders: false

# Whether regular villagers can be edited by sneaking and right-clicking.
edit-regular-villagers: false
# Whether regular wandering traders can be edited by sneaking and
# right-clicking.
edit-regular-wandering-traders: false

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Hiring
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# The item to use for the hire button in player shopkeepers that are for sale,
# and for the hire-cost when hiring non-shopkeeper villagers.
hire-item: EMERALD
# The amount of hire-cost items it costs to hire a non-shopkeeper villager.
hire-other-villagers-costs: 1
# Whether hiring a player shopkeeper also requires the permission to create
# player shopkeepers of that type.
hire-require-creation-permission: true

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Trading
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Whether to prevent players from trading with their own shopkeepers. Keeping
# this enabled is recommended.
prevent-trading-with-own-shop: true
# With this enabled player shopkeepers don't trade while their owner is online.
# This might be useful for role-playing servers that want to force players to
# trade with each other directly while they are online.
prevent-trading-while-owner-is-online: false
# In some situations, Minecraft allows the trading of items even if they do not
# fully match (e.g. villagers accept items with additional metadata). With this
# setting enabled, the Shopkeepers plugin will always check that the traded
# items fully match before allowing the trade to take place.
use-strict-item-comparison: false

# Whether to increment Minecraft's talked-to-villager and traded-with-villager
# statistics whenever a player opens the trading menu and trades with a
# shopkeeper.
increment-villager-statistics: false
# Whether to mimic Minecraft's normal villager trading sounds whenever a player
# trades with a villager shopkeeper. This only applies to villager shopkeepers
# and ignores the 'silence-living-shop-entities' setting.
simulate-villager-trading-sounds: true
# Whether to simulate villager ambient sounds for villager shopkeepers. This
# ignores the 'silence-living-shop-entities' setting.
simulate-villager-ambient-sounds: false
# Whether to mimic Minecraft's normal wandering trader trading sounds whenever
# a player trades with a wandering trader shopkeeper. This only applies to
# wandering trader shopkeepers and ignores the 'silence-living-shop-entities'
# setting.
simulate-wandering-trader-trading-sounds: true
# Whether to simulate wandering trader ambient sounds for wandering trader
# shopkeepers. This ignores the 'silence-living-shop-entities' setting.
simulate-wandering-trader-ambient-sounds: false
# Whether to play the simulated trading sounds of villager and wandering trader
# shopkeepers only to the trading player, instead of broadcasting them to all
# nearby players as it is the case in vanilla Minecraft. This does not affect
# the simulated ambient sounds.
simulate-trading-sounds-only-for-the-trading-player: true

# This sound effect is played to players when they trigger a successful trade.
  sound: ''
  pitch: 2.0
  volume: 0.3
# This sound effect is played to players when their trade attempt fails for any
# reason.
  sound: 'minecraft:block.barrel.close'
  pitch: 2.0
  volume: 0.5

# The percentage of items (0-100) that are removed from the items that shop
# owners receive in trades in their shops.
# Be careful: Depending on the configuration, shop owners may end up not
# receiving any items!
tax-rate: 0
# Whether to round up instead of down when calculating the tax of a player shop
# transaction.
tax-round-up: false

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Trade Notifications
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Whether to inform players with the required trade notification permission
# ('' for admin shop trade notifications
# and '' for player shop trade
# notifications) about trades that take place. If a player would also receive a
# trade notification because trade notifications for shop owners are enabled,
# they will only receive the shop owner specific trade notification.
notify-players-about-trades: false
# This sound effect is played when a player receives a trade notification. Set
# this to an empty String to disable the sound effect.
trade-notification-sound: ""

# Whether to inform shop owners about trades that take place in their shops.
notify-shop-owners-about-trades: true
# This sound effect is played when a shop owner receives a trade notification.
# Set this to an empty String to disable the sound effect.
  sound: 'minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup'
  volume: 0.25

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Trade Log
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# The storage type to use for the trade log.
# - 'DISABLED': Disables the logging of trades.
# - 'SQLITE': Logs all trades to an SQLite database inside the plugin folder.
# - 'CSV': Logs all trades to daily CSV files inside the plugin folder.
trade-log-storage: 'DISABLED'

# Players can trigger many equal trades in quick succession. For example, when
# players trade by shift clicking the result slot, they can trigger up to 64
# individual trades at once with a single click. And even when not shift
# clicking, they can quickly trigger a considerable number of trades.
# In order to represent the logged trades more compactly, we merge successive
# trades that happen over a certain period of time if they involve the same
# player, the same shopkeeper, and the same items. This setting specifies the
# maximum duration in ticks during which successive equal trades are merged.
# Setting this to a value of 0 disables the merging of trades. Setting this to
# a value of 1 will only merge trades that are triggered by the same inventory
# action (e.g. by the same shift click).
# It is recommended to not set this value to something longer than a few
# seconds: The longer the chosen duration, the greater the difference between
# the logged timestamps and shopkeeper states may be to the actual timestamps
# and shopkeeper states at which the merged trades took place.
trade-log-merge-duration-ticks: 300
# The merging of trades is aborted prematurely if the time gap to the previous
# trade is longer than this duration in ticks. This setting can be used in
# combination with a larger value for 'trade-log-merge-duration-ticks' to limit
# the maximum waiting time for a subsequent trade.
# Setting this to a value of 0, or a value greater than or equal to
# 'trade-log-merge-duration-ticks' will cause this setting to have no effect.
# Setting this to something too low for trades to realistically be manually
# triggered (such as only a few ticks) will make the chosen
# 'trade-log-merge-duration-ticks' effectively pointless. For performance
# reasons, the actual duration may dynamically vary by several ticks.
trade-log-next-merge-timeout-ticks: 100

# Whether to also log the metadata of items. This includes, for example, their
# display name, lore, enchantments, etc. This data will be logged in Spigot's
# YAML format. Enabling this setting can, however, noticeably increase the
# storage space requirements.
log-item-metadata: false

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Currencies
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# The currency item that is used in player shops.
currency-item: EMERALD

# A second, higher-value currency item that is used in the second trading slot
# of player shops. Set this to 'AIR' to disable the second currency.
high-currency-item: EMERALD_BLOCK

# The value of the second currency, based on the first currency.
high-currency-value: 9
# The second currency will only be used if an item's cost is greater than this
# value.
high-currency-min-cost: 20


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