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API 示例


HuskHomes API 本身仅支持 Bukkit,但是 Fabric 和 Sponge 支持 API 事件

HuskHomes API 为下列内容提供了方法与类:

  • 获取、创建和更新多个家(Home)和地标(Warp)传送点;
  • 获取 SavedUser 的有关信息;
  • 构建和执行(延时)的传送(Teleport),用于拓展 /rtp 命令的功能;
  • 提供自定义的 RandomTeleportEngine,用于拓展 /rtp 命令的功能。

额外地,API 事件还可以修改正在执行的事件。

本章节将会为你大致介绍一些内容。请注意这份文档是不完整的;如果你想要帮助改进,请联系我们的 Discord 群组。


创建一个类用于对接 API

  • 除非你的插件以 HuskHomes 为硬依赖,否则你不应该将 HuskHomes API 调用至你的主类中,否则在本插件未安装时,你的插件将会弹出 ClassNotFoundException 报错。
public class HuskHomesAPIHook {

    public HuskHomesAPIHook() {
        // Ready to do stuff with the API


确认 HuskHomes 插件存在并实例化对接

  • 这段代码用来确保你的 HuskHomes 插件在你制作的插件读取 API 之前已经载入。
public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {

    public HuskHomesAPIHook huskHomesHook;

    public void onEnable() {
        if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("HuskHomes") != null) {
            this.huskHomesHook = new HuskHomesAPIHook();

获取 API 的示例

  • 你现在可以通过调用 HuskHomesAPI#getInstance 来获取 API。
获取 API 实例
import net.william278.huskhomes.api.HuskHomesAPI;

public class HuskHomesAPIHook {

    private final HuskHomesAPI huskHomesAPI;

    public HuskHomesAPIHook() {
        this.huskHomesAPI = HuskHomesAPI.getInstance();



HuskHomesAPI 的许多方法都返回浏览异步执行的 CompletableFutures,以此确保它们依赖的数据库请求不会堵塞服务器的主线程。当一个计划任务(future)完成执行后,你可以通过 #thenAccept() 方法来接受返回内容。


你不应该在 HuskHomesAPI 中返回的计划任务(future)上使用 #join() 方法,因为计划任务(future)是基于服务器的异步任务运行的,如果你尝试通过锁定主线程来操作它们的话,很有可能导致线程死锁并使你的服务器崩溃。


你可以通过 HuskHomesAPI#adaptUser 获取 OnlineUser 对象,这代表着连接至服务器的玩家。

相似地(若你通过通用模块编译),你可以使用 HuskHomesAPI#getOnlineUser(UUID) 通过 UUID 获取 Optional 的在线用户;如果玩家存在并在线,该 optional 会包含该玩家的数据。

获取 OnlineUser
public class HuskHomesAPIHook {

    private final HuskHomesAPI huskHomesAPI;

    // This method prints out a player's homes into console using stdout
    public void getAnOnlineUser(UUID uuid) {
        OnlineUser user = huskHomesAPI.adaptUser(Bukkit.getPlayer(uuid));
        System.out.println("Found " + user.getUsername() + "!");
        Optional<OnlineUser> otherMethod = huskHomesAPI.getOnlineUser(uuid);



若要获取玩家的设置的家传送点列表,你可以调用 API 实例中的 #getUserHomes(user) 方法。这个方法需要一个 User 对象,这个对象可从 UUID 或玩家名称构建,或从在线玩家上使用方法 #adaptUser(player)。这个方法将返回一个 CompletableFuture<List<Home>>,可使用 #thenAccept() 来接受。

请注意所有有关家传送点(Home)的内容也对地标传送点(Warp)有效(例如,使用 HuskHomesAPI#getWarps 来获取所有的地标传送点)。因为地标是公有的,所以获取地标并不需要 User 对象。

public class HuskHomesAPIHook {

    private final HuskHomesAPI huskHomesAPI;

    // This method prints out a player's homes into console using stdout
    public void printPlayerHomes(UUID uuid) {
        // Use this to adapt an online player to an OnlineUser, which extends User (accepted by getUserHomes).
        // To get the homes of an offline user, use: User.of(uuid, username);
        OnlineUser user = huskHomesAPI.adaptUser(Bukkit.getPlayer(uuid));
        // A lot of HuskHomes' API methods return as futures which execute asynchronously.
        huskHomesAPI.getUserHomes(user).thenAccept(homeList -> { // Use #thenAccept(data) to run after the future has executed with data
            for (Home home : homeList) {
                // The home and warp object both extend SavedPosition, which maps a position object to a name and description
                System.out.println(; // It's best to use your plugin logger, but this is just an example.
        // You can also get a specific home by name using #getUserHome(user, name)
        huskHomesAPI.getUserHome(user, "example").thenAccept(optionalHome -> {
            // #getUserHome returns an Optional wrapper, so we need to run #ifPresent() first and call #get() to retrieve it if it exists
            if (optionalHome.isPresent()) {
                System.out.println("Found " + user.getUsername() + "'s home: " optionalHome.get().getName());
            } else {
                System.out.println("Home not found");



若要创建一个家传送点,你可以在 API 实例上调用 #createHome(owner, name, position)。这个方法需要拥有家传送点、名称有效且位置可获取的玩家才可使用。

public class HuskHomesAPIHook {

    private final HuskHomesAPI huskHomesAPI;

    // This method creates a home with the name "example" at the player's current location
    public void createHome(Player owner) {
        // Use this to adapt an online player to an OnlineUser, which extends User (accepted by createHome).
        OnlineUser onlineUser = huskHomesAPI.adaptUser(player);
        // We can get an OnlineUser's Position with #getPosition, which we can pass here to createHome
        try {
            huskHomesAPI.createHome(onlineUser, "example", onlineUser.getPosition());
        } catch (ValidationException e) {
            // Homes will be validated, and if validation fails a ValidationException will be thrown.
            // This can happen if the user has too many homes, or if its metadata is invalid (name, description, etc)
            // You should catch ValidationExceptions, determine what caused it (#getType) and handle it appropriately.
            owner.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Failed to create example home: " + e.getType());


API 提供了一种方法来获取 TeleportBuilder,可以用于构建 Teleport(携带 #toTeleport)或 TimedTeleport(携带 TimedTeleport;一种要求玩家在原地停留一段时间才可进行传送的方法)。传送可以是跨服的。

public class HuskHomesAPIHook {

    private final HuskHomesAPI huskHomesAPI;

    // This teleports a player to 128, 64, 128 on the server "server"
    public void teleportPlayer(Player player) {
        OnlineUser onlineUser = huskHomesAPI.adaptUser(player);

        // The TeleportBuilder accepts a class that extends Target. This can be a Username or a Position (or a Home/Warp, which extends Position)
        // * Note that the World object needs the name and UID of the world.
        // * The UID will be used if the world can't be found by name. You can just pass it a random UUID if you don't have it.
        Position position =
            128, 64, 128,
            World.from("world", UUID.randomUUID()), "server"

        // To construct a teleport, get a TeleportBuilder with #teleportBuilder
            .teleporter(onlineUser) // The person being teleported
            .target(position) // The target position
            .buildAndComplete(false); // This builds and executes the teleport instantly.
        // The `true` flag we passed above indicates we want an instant teleport (as opposed to a timed teleport)



延时传送是需要玩家原地停留一段时间才可进行的传送,所以玩家不会立即在战斗或在危险的时候传送。可通过在 TeleportBuilder 调用 #toTimedTeleport() 方法来取消。玩家所需要停留的预热时间是在配置文本中预先设置的。

public class HuskHomesAPIHook {

    private final HuskHomesAPI huskHomesAPI;

    // This performs a timed teleport to tp a player to another online player with the username "William278"
    public void teleportPlayer(Player player) {
        OnlineUser onlineUser = huskHomesAPI.adaptUser(player);
        Target targetUsername = Target.username("William278"); // Get a target by a username, who can be online on this server/a server on the network (cross-server teleport).

        try {
                .toTimedTeleport() // Instead of running buildAndComplete, we can get the Teleport object itself this way.
                .execute(); // A timed teleport will throw a TeleportationException if the player moves/takes damage during the warmup, or if the target is not found.
        } catch(TeleportationException e) { // Since this doesn't catch the TeleportException (buildAndComplete does!), we need to do this.
            // Use TeleportException#displayMessage() to display why the teleport failed to the user.



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